Guest of the League
FPJV 2.0 Est. 2020
FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1
SHOWTIME Fri May 24 9:10pm ET
I understand. Spending a lot of time in Florida this year. 60 days so far. But not playing much golf yet. Good to hear from you.
TBD Thu May 2 6:02pm ET

draft room of a champion

DD Squared Mon Apr 8 4:32pm ET
Thank you Jake and Tracey!
Commissioner Wed Mar 27 10:56am ET

Couple of notes,

  1. Draft order has been set.
  2. The system auto dropped players that were eligible for a 4th year franchise tag. Tracey and I went back to the archives and reinstated. We adjusted the auto-drop/contract tracking feature to 4 years so this should not happen again (fingers crossed). 
  3. Please check your draft # and rosters to make sure they are correct. 
  4. Enjoy the upcoming NFL draft. 

Thank you,
