Guest of the League
Armchair Wasatch Fantasy Football League Est. 2003
FFL: Week 3 | NFL: Week 3
Twinkieville Bulls Tue Sep 10 6:09pm ET
Thanks for all your work on this Vance!
Commissioner Tue Sep 10 4:01pm ET

Decision Has Finally Been Made

Taking everything into consideration and collaborating with the Teams involved, there was a decision made for the Deere Johns Starting Lineup for week one. It has been decided to give the Deere Johns a starting lineup of just enough points to not win. Tracy will take 2 losses but there will still be some points that he is not shut out of the Total Points that could play into the year-end results. The resulting outcome would give the Bullfrog Skrodogs a 116-106 win and the Twinkieville Bulls a 107-106 win. 

This was not an easy decision to come to, but all parties involved wanted to find a fair and equitable solution. There were many thoughts and discussions that went into this decision, and I even consulted with some outside sources. The one thing that I found, was that there was no ultimate easy solution that made sense and was fair and equitable to everyone involved. I am sure that everyone has their own individual opinions. But we thought this too be the most fair and equitable. 

Good Luck to everyone and I would like to Thank Tracy, Homey, and Zach for their patience with this. 

Thank You - Vance  The Commish

Rico Sporto Mon Sep 9 9:59pm ET
I vote to have Tracy be allowed to submit the logical starting lineup based on what you stated. We’d do the same for anyone. I couldn’t see poll.
Salina Seacrawlers Mon Sep 9 8:19pm ET
I feel rules are rules is the way to go just like the of season when don’t care about putting in a quality team and the team there playing wins easy but other teams fighting for a playoff spot suffer
Commissioner Sun Sep 8 11:47pm ET

The poll should be on the right side in the upper corner of the homepage - or - you should be able access the poll under the “League” tab on the homepage

Salina Seacrawlers Sun Sep 8 11:29pm ET
Don’t see a pole
Commissioner Sun Sep 8 11:20pm ET

Starting Lineup Issue

There has been some discussion today about a Starting Lineup Issue that has transpired. As many of you know, the Deere Johns team is Tracy’s team and he was out here visiting from North Carolina. While traveling back home, he contracted Covid and has been sick and essentially sleeping the past few days. Upon resting up this past weekend, Tracy thought that the Draft held last Sunday would automatically put players into is starting lineup and then he would just tweak the lineup from there.

He logged onto RT Sports to see how his team was doing and noticed that there was no one in his starting lineup. He notified me and he and I discussed that, as everyone is aware, that you are responsible for your own lineup. Anyhow, I have been in discussion with the teams involved, Tracy, Zach and Homey, about what would be fair and equitable for those teams involved. All of us have discussed a few thoughts and options. 

First and foremost, I would like to thank Zach and Homey for considering such options. We have entertained several options and decided to put this to a league vote of inserting the drafted lineup as Tracy’s starting lineup. As it is, Tracy’s lineup would stand at 83 points with Breece Hall and Jake Moody in Monday Nights Game. Homey has 116 points with no one left yet to play. Zach has 97 points with Garrett Wilson left yet to play in Monday Nights Game. I really want to come to a decision prior to Monday Nights Game Start. 

I have posted a poll on the homepage that you can vote on what should be done. Please respond by voting on the poll or you can certainly post your thoughts on the message board as well. 

Thanks - Vance The Commish

Salina Seacrawlers Sun Sep 8 4:40pm ET
Sorry John’s
Salina Seacrawlers Sun Sep 8 4:40pm ET
No lineup for john