Guest of the League
Northwest Como Fantasy Football League Est. 2002
FFL: Week 3 | NFL: Week 3
Commissioner Sat Sep 7 11:51am ET
Edited: Sat Sep 7 11:52am ET by Commissioner

Schedule is reset.

Agent Orange Sat Sep 7 11:11am ET
Edited: Sat Sep 7 11:24am ET

Got it. Good luck with getting it switched. I hope we can have it set ahead of draft time moving forward.

Assume you already know the line-up changes will not save too. Nevermind, I now got that to work. Still complicated but it saved.

Commissioner Sat Sep 7 9:33am ET

I just tried to shuffle the schedule it won't let me. It is not changing any idea how to change it let me know.

Commissioner Sat Sep 7 9:23am ET

based on your theory I should be playing Bob so I'll shuffle the schedule until that happens. I don't know how else to do it.

Commissioner Sat Sep 7 9:21am ET

it is simply a button I push to shuffle the schedule. It does not tell me how to have 1vs 3 5vs 7 etc. I have to change the divisions after the order is set but it does not say team one and I can insert Rick I simply put people in a division. 

Agent Orange Sat Sep 7 8:58am ET
Edited: Sat Sep 7 9:02am ET

Schedule is wrong.

It should be created before the draft and be the same every year.

1 vs 3, 5 vs 7, 9 vs 11

1 vs 11, 3 vs 9, 5 vs 7

I don't care which version is chosen, there is no reason it cannot known at draft time.

We have Thu and now Fri games. The schedule needs that control to eliminate the chance that the person choosing the week 1 match-ups is tempted to influence those match-ups based on the results already known.

Now I have to guess whether it really was random when I end up playing Foles or Bob.

Commissioner Fri Sep 6 8:44pm ET

just for the record every change in this league has been done by a vote on the night of the draft because its the only time we are together but at least you have your excuse to distance yourself from the people you used to call friends -✌ 

TAKEAKNEE Fri Sep 6 5:37pm ET
Rosters are loaded let me know if you find any mistakes
TAKEAKNEE Fri Sep 6 5:36pm ET
Billy said he asked you and Roach and a few other people if they recalled the changes we voted on last year as I did not recall the changes from the draft last year. No one seemed to remember specifics according to Mr.Davis. I don’t think the changes we made were very drastic adding a player and eliminating some bonus scoring but it sounds like your decision has been made. Happy Trails!
Jones N for a win Fri Sep 6 4:08pm ET

I've decided to follow Ben's lead and step aside and give someone else a chance to own the team.  Steve Jones has agreed to take over the team I drafted.  As Steve has been with us for ten years and it was somewhat discussed yesterday, I'm assuming that is not a problem. Matt declined to take the team without me as a partner before I offered it to Steve.

For transparency related my decision and accountability to this group here's the short summary.  What we did last night at the draft is not what I expected or signed up for. Last year in that same room I left under the impression that we pretty much unanimously agreed that material league changes would not be made and implemented at the draft, and that changes that surfaced at future drafts would be implemented the following year.  Yesterday, only 10 minutes before the scheduled draft and with no advance communication, we undid the change we approved by vote last year, and then changed our scoring and lineup systems. Stated last year and this, I would have been happy to play by any rules and fee structures, just want to know the deal before I walk into the draft. I'm clearly in the minority on that, so be it.

All good. No hard feelings. Its a simple game and you're all playing by the same rules. It's just not for me.

Best of luck to you all this season. You will need it. As Mr. Jones will likely take the best team that was drafted, add a few Cowboys and win the fantasy bowl.

