Guest of the League
NorCal Fantasy Football League Est. 2004
FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1

Power Rankings

The Motley Crew Conference

TeamW/LPointsPower IndexW/LPointsSchedRoster
Banana Slugs0-00.000.0008899
enags eyedogs0-00.000.0007799
Raiders Too0-00.000.0006699
Stomp Dat Azz0-00.000.0005599
Big AL0-00.000.0004499
Northern Lights Out0-00.000.0003399
Tapa Mega Kega0-00.000.0002299
Wharf Rat0-00.000.0001199

The Unusual Suspects Conference

TeamW/LPointsPower IndexW/LPointsSchedRoster
Shock & Awe0-00.000.0008899
The Gooch0-00.000.0007799
Lifetime Ban Fan0-00.000.0006699
Raiders Won0-00.000.0004499
Gold Rush0-00.000.0003399
Team Guinness0-00.000.0001199