Guest of the League
FFL Invasion Est. 2022
FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1

Power Rankings

TeamW/LPointsPower IndexW/LPointsSchedRoster
My Hips Don't Lie0-00.000.00012121313
LETS GO BRANDON0-00.000.00011111313
Koo Tang Clan0-00.000.00010101313
Hot Chubb Time Machine0-00.000.000991313
The Nemesis0-00.000.000881313
Cure For DiPolio0-00.000.000771313
Texas Badass0-00.000.000661313
Ramming Trojans0-00.000.000551313
The Resurrection0-00.000.000441313
GAME TIME0-00.000.000331313
Make it HAPPEN!0-00.000.000221313
Ondre the Giant0-00.000.000111313