Guest of the League
Former Kairos League of Champions Est. 2003
FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1

Power Rankings

TeamW/LPointsPower IndexW/LPointsSchedRoster
The WHITEhouse - Robert L. Peters0-001.00011121
City Wage Tax0-000.9521111122
.Championship Ball0-000.7741212124
Also Technically A Champion0-000.70222125
KFC Chizza0-000.65066126
Tush Push0-000.60155127
Tucker's Ice Cream Stop0-000.5431010128
Todd the Wet Carpet0-000.49844129
Ocean City Blue Crabs0-000.403331210
Crackers and Licorice0-000.337771211
Spewing Oil Down the Homestretch0-000.255991212