Guest of the League
Dynasty Football Est. 2002
FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1

Lineup Changes

Bijanaise - Scott Houlding

No starting lineup changes performed this week.

D-BRONCS - Ozzie Naranjo

BenchedWRRashee Rice KCOwnerThu May 9 3:38am ET
StartedWRJa'Marr Chase CINOwnerThu May 9 3:38am ET

Dirty Sanchez - Mike Primavera

No starting lineup changes performed this week.

Dr Turkleton - Scott McWherter

No starting lineup changes performed this week.

Hail to the Chiefs - Kyle Jeffcoach

No starting lineup changes performed this week.

Jackass - Steve Primavera

No starting lineup changes performed this week.

Jag Bags - Steve G

No starting lineup changes performed this week.

Mile High Pros - Marco Naranjo

No starting lineup changes performed this week.

Purple People Eater - Jeremy Graham

No starting lineup changes performed this week.

Syd's Back - Todd

No starting lineup changes performed this week.

The Money Team - Andre McMahon

No starting lineup changes performed this week.

Vegas Bombers - Damon Davies

No starting lineup changes performed this week.