Guest of the League
Berman's Heroes Est. 2019
FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1



Devante's Inferno - Aaron Nellist Capsule

FUCK CANCER - Ray Sherman Jr Capsule

GAMEDAY GOD'S - Mike Colley Capsule

Give You a Stiffy - Brandon Seib Capsule

MONSTERS OF THE MIDWAY - Kent Fizette Capsule

Riley Reid Option - Zach Capsule

SHOW ME YOUR TD'S - Tom Kinzie Capsule

Stinky Pitts - Kevin Reppentine Capsule

The 816 - Mike Zambito Capsule

The Bloodline - Brian Wittcop Capsule

The Scavenger - Daniel Heitzenrater Capsule

The TINS LEAD! - Brett Dust Capsule