Guest of the League
Minnesota Playoffs Est. 2009
NFL Playoffs League - FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1



Begin2Make - Steve Capsule

Begin2MakeHay - Capsule

Big A Daniels - Capsule

Bruce McGuire1 - Capsule

Carter Ballard* - Randy Capsule

Coach Ahlstrom 2 - Katie Capsule

Coach Ahlstrom1 - Katie Ahlstrom Capsule

Duck Duck Grey Duck - Derek Capsule

Dummy Team - Capsule

Free Sixt - Ryan Capsule

Grant Lemay - Capsule

Hollywoods Hitmen - Eric Capsule

Horsey Haymakers - Capsule

Horsey's Haymaker* - Perry Capsule

In the Flesch* - Capsule

Jeremy Beseman 2 - Capsule

Jeremy Beseman1 - Capsule

Jim Oerter1 - Jim Capsule

jmoolah - Capsule

Jr's Assault* - Junior Capsule

Knutson's Killers - Ryan Knutson Capsule

Leon Attack* - Capsule

Luke Lenox1 - Capsule

Matt Puhl 2 - Matt Capsule

Matt Puhl1 - Capsule

Melanie Lemay - Capsule

Nathan McGuire1 - Nathan Capsule

Peggy Oerter1 - Peg Capsule

Perry Horrisberger 2 - Perry Capsule

Perry Horrisberger1 - Perry Capsule

Red Puppies - Jimmy Red Capsule

Rookie - Nathan McGuire Capsule

Rookie Sensation* - Nathan McGuire Capsule

Ryan Sixt - Ryan Capsule

Ryan Sixt1 - Sixt Capsule

The Dodger - Capsule

The Dodgers - Capsule

The Griddy King* - Will McGuire Capsule

The Hall-way* - Cade Capsule

West Side Ballers - Katie Capsule