Guest of the League
PrimeTime Fantasy Football (One Team) Est. 2003
FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1



Balls Deep - Langford Wasada Capsule

Boyd Rewards - Bryce Kaneshiro Capsule

Dirty Ducks - Ken Kobayashi Capsule

Fear the Brow - Ryan Kuwahara Capsule

Glory Road - Bob Morikuni Capsule

Hingle McCringleberry - Brandon Flores Capsule

Luck Bastard - 89P13 Capsule

Mean Gene - Chris Shimabukro Capsule

Rare Breed - Duane Omori Capsule

Re22pect - Robb Tanaka Capsule

Steel Curtain - Ivan Suzuki Capsule

Superbad - Allen Pang Capsule