Guest of the League
TCFL Est. 2003
FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1


Blanket D - Brayden Mello

No transactions were performed this week.

Your team already has 0 official transactions for Week 1 your league limit is 2.

Disturbed Children - CJ Mello

No transactions were performed this week.

Your team already has 0 official transactions for Week 1 your league limit is 2.

Doom Squad - Jason Mello

No transactions were performed this week.

Your team already has 0 official transactions for Week 1 your league limit is 2.

Duck Belchers - Joe Stanley

No transactions were performed this week.

Your team already has 0 official transactions for Week 1 your league limit is 2.

Hurricanes - Patrick Luddy

No transactions were performed this week.

Your team already has 0 official transactions for Week 1 your league limit is 2.

Mad Dog 20/20 - Dave Mendoza

No transactions were performed this week.

Your team already has 0 official transactions for Week 1 your league limit is 2.

OLD SALT - Tom Bobek

No transactions were performed this week.

Your team already has 0 official transactions for Week 1 your league limit is 2.

Orange Flash - Kevin Neuman

No transactions were performed this week.

Your team already has 0 official transactions for Week 1 your league limit is 2.

Space Bears - Tony Turco

No transactions were performed this week.

Your team already has 0 official transactions for Week 1 your league limit is 2.

Terminators - Lou Calitri

No transactions were performed this week.

Your team already has 0 official transactions for Week 1 your league limit is 2.