Guest of the League
Salina Fantasy Football League Est. 2009
FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1


Allegro's Raiders - Allegro Edwards

No transactions were performed this week.

Bodhi Saints - Bodhi Hannert

No transactions were performed this week.

Brett's Ravens - Brett Versluys

No transactions were performed this week.

Brian's Bills - Brian Versuleys

No transactions were performed this week.

Chris's Cowboys - Chris Ratliff

No transactions were performed this week.

Deangelo's Eagles - Deangelo Turner

No transactions were performed this week.

Dzhon's Lions - Dzhon Edwards

No transactions were performed this week.

Jim's Vikings - Jim Versluys

No transactions were performed this week.

Justin's Jets - Justin Sanders

No transactions were performed this week.

Steve's Chiefs - Steve Hannert

No transactions were performed this week.