Guest of the League
Clegg's Keeper League Est. 2008
FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1


AirClegg23 - Joe Clegg

No transactions were performed this week.

Your team already has 0 official transactions for Week 1 your league limit is 10.

Bill Schaefer - Bill Schaefer

No transactions were performed this week.

Your team already has 0 official transactions for Week 1 your league limit is 10.

Brian - Brian Clegg

No transactions were performed this week.

Your team already has 0 official transactions for Week 1 your league limit is 10.

Country Road take Mahomes - Jimmy Clegg

No transactions were performed this week.

Your team already has 0 official transactions for Week 1 your league limit is 10.

DEM BOYS - Shawn Moy

No transactions were performed this week.

Your team already has 0 official transactions for Week 1 your league limit is 10.

Footballloser - Todd Clegg

No transactions were performed this week.

Your team already has 0 official transactions for Week 1 your league limit is 10.

Gregg - Gregg Hipple

No transactions were performed this week.

Your team already has 0 official transactions for Week 1 your league limit is 10.

Rolling Thunder - Mark & Bill

No transactions were performed this week.

Your team already has 0 official transactions for Week 1 your league limit is 10.