Guest of the League
The Barstool Quarterback Est. 2005
FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1


Austin 3:16 - Jay

No transactions were performed this week.

Bill - Bill Hartwick

No transactions were performed this week.

Cern and nate - Todd Cernohous, nate nygaard

No transactions were performed this week.

Chasin' Victory - Todd Greer

No transactions were performed this week.

Curt - Curt Johnson

No transactions were performed this week.

John - John Levi

No transactions were performed this week.

Kevin and gabe - Kevin Gray and gabe

No transactions were performed this week.

The Magic Skol Bus - Tyler Verding

No transactions were performed this week.

Tronrud - Mike Tronrud

No transactions were performed this week.

Underperformers - Curt Christensen

No transactions were performed this week.