Guest of the League
Booze N Choose Est. 2005
FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1


Brandon King - Brandon King

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Bub - Justin Bub Hilimire

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FrankyPauly - Paul D'Amico

No transactions were performed this week.

Your team already has 0 official transactions for Week 1 your league limit is 3.

Invincibles - Vince Farrar

No transactions were performed this week.

Your team already has 0 official transactions for Week 1 your league limit is 3.

Italian Stallions - Mike Cutillo&Kevin Hulslan

No transactions were performed this week.

Your team already has 0 official transactions for Week 1 your league limit is 3.

Kings Krushers - Bill Paul

No transactions were performed this week.

Your team already has 0 official transactions for Week 1 your league limit is 3.

KISS Rules - Buz Casserly and Roman Kiper

No transactions were performed this week.

Your team already has 0 official transactions for Week 1 your league limit is 3.

Power Surge - Alan Brignall

No transactions were performed this week.

Your team already has 0 official transactions for Week 1 your league limit is 3.

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