
West Beer League
League ID
Guest URL
Full Season - Gold
Not Paid
Greg Lunday






Table of Contents

Section I


Article 1 - Name

Article 2 - Objectives

Article 3 - Government

Article 4 - Membership

Article 5 - Officers

Article 6 - Amendments


Section II


Article 1 - Appointment of Officers

Article 2 - Duties of the Officers

Article 3 - Meetings

Article 4 - Rules and Regulations


Section III

Rules and Regulations

Article 1 - General Rules

Article 2 - Drafting

Article 3 - Special Rules

Article 4 - Playoffs

Article 5 - Pay Out


Section I


Article 1 - Name

This organization shall be known as the West Beer League (WBL), operating under the affiliation of no one and under the premise that fun is not just something you have with your clothes off.

Article 2 - Objectives

The objectives of the WBL is to twist the mind of the average football fan, develop a rich and healthy attitude toward beating your friends and fellow man, and, above all, nurture the common goal of all red-blooded Americans, to get rich quick.

Article 3 - Government

All matters concerning the policy of the WBL shall be directed by the Commissioner and governed by the By-laws and Constitution. All rules governing the playing of the game in this organization shall be according to the rules and regulations.

Article 4 - Membership

Membership in WBL shall consist of the recognized owners of each team. Only the majority owner or his recognized representative has voting rights.  Any new team shall come from the waiting list. 

Article 5 - Officers

The officers of the WBL shall be Commissioner, Secretary, and Treasurer.

Article 6 - Amendments

The Constitution and By-laws may be amended by three-fourths majority vote of the membership.

Section II 


Article 1 - Appointment of Officers

The Commissioner shall be appointed for life. If he so resigns, the membership shall vote by secret ballot to elect a new Commissioner. The new Commissioner must receive a majority of the votes. The Commissioner must be a WBL member and team majority owner. 

Article 2 - Duties of the Officers

COMMISSIONER: The Commissioner shall preside at all meetings. The Commissioner shall appoint the treasurer for each season. The Commissioner will be paid a salary of his team's entry fee into the league (currently $400).

TREASURER: The treasurer shall be responsible for collection, tracking and reporting of all fees, maintenance of the league line, and tracking and reporting transactions.

Article 3 - Meetings

The only mandatory meeting each year shall be the draft. Each team’s owner or recognized representative must be present to draft a team.

Article 4 - Rules and Regulations

The rules shall be those approved by the voting membership of the WBL. The rules shall be approved each year at the draft by a super-majority vote (3/4).  

Section III 

Rules and Regulations 

Article 1 - General Rules

A. League Format

The WBL is a Combined Basic and Performance Scoring League. Points are awarded for touchdowns, field goals, extra points, passing, rushing, and receiving yardage, and for other points and statistics as specified in WBL Scoring System.

The WBL consists of 3 divisions of 4 teams. The WBL season consists of 14 weeks of head-to-head competition and 3 weeks of playoffs. The season tracks with the first 17 weeks of NFL regular season games. A team will play its division opponents twice and all others once. Playoff teams are determined as stated below. The 8 playoff teams will compete for the Geno Trophy and last 4 non-playoff teams will play for the Toilet Bowl.

Teams are made up of 12 NFL players and defense/special teams. Each week you must start 7 players and 1 defense/special team from your active roster: 1 quarterback, 2 running backs, 2 wide receivers (tight ends are included as WR’s), 1 Flex player (RB, WR, & TE), 1 kicker, and 1 defense/special team. You are credited with the points scored by your starting players in their NFL games. You win by outscoring your opponent.

B. Eligible Players

A player must be signed with an NFL team to be eligible for a WBL roster (including taxi).

C. Participation

a.  Each team must pay an entry fee for team ownership. Ownership fee is as follows:

$400.00 on or before draft day

$425.00 after draft day to end of 7th week

$450.00 after 7th week to end of 13th week

$475.00 after 13th week

b.  Non Payment of Team's Financial Obligation

All team owners (jointly and severally) of record, as determined on Draft Day, are responsible for paying the financial obligations incurred by their team during the year. In the event that a team does not fully settle its financial obligations (net of any winnings) from the previous season by the NFL Super Bowl, then the “defaulting team” and its owners will be removed from the WBL and deemed ineligible for future inclusion within the WBL. Furthermore, the pending pay-out to the remaining eligible teams with “winnings” will be adjusted downward on a pro-rata basis. 

c.  Payouts and Disbursements

The WBL Treasurer will distribute “winnings” to eligible teams after he has collected all monies that are due and outstanding from all team owners for the season. No partial payments will be distributed. A team’s non-payment of their financial obligations is covered under the heading “Non-Payment of Team’s Financial Obligations” above.

d.  Replacement Teams

Membership in WBL shall consist of the recognized owners of each team. Only the majority owner or his recognized representative has voting rights.  Membership in the WBL is a privilege, and contingent upon the team and its owner(s) on maintaining “good standing” with the WBL and complying with the WBL’s by-laws, rules and regulations specified herein. Any new team and owners shall be accepted as specified by the “Replacement Teams” rule below.

The Commissioner will maintain a “waiting list” that includes the names of prospective WBL team owners (see Section III, C. e.).  If a team leaves the WBL, the Commissioner will submit the name of the next-available-person on the “waiting list” to the existing WBL owners in good standing for a vote. A new team will be accepted into the WBL by a 2/3 approval vote from the existing WBL owners. If the candidate does not receive the required 2/3 “vote for” from the WBL owners, then the candidate's name will be removed from the “waiting list” and the Commissioner will submit the name of the next-available-person to the WBL owners for a vote. The Commissioner will allow sufficient time for the WBL owners to submit their votes (generally a few weeks), but may shorten the voting timeframe for WBL owners to submit their votes if time is of the essence (as deemed necessary by the Commissioner). If the voting deadline as specified by the Commission has lapsed, and the Commissioner has not received a vote from a WBL owner, then the WBL owner’s non-reply will be counted as a “vote for” the candidate.

e.  Waiting List

  • Joe Wolf
  • Rick Wolf
  • Daylon Wiethorn

f.  Rosters

Rosters consist of up to 12 players and a defense/special team (defense/special teams shall be included in the 12 player limit) plus a 2 man taxi squad. A team may also carry two players in a Taxi Squad. Each team roster is limited to 3 quarterbacks (including Taxi Squad). Drafting players fills initial rosters. After the draft, players may be added to rosters by free agent or trade transactions.

D. Taxi Squad

Each team may carry up to 2 additional players on a taxi squad. Players on the taxi squad are ineligible to start a game until they are moved to the active roster. Placing a player on the taxi squad and removing a player from the taxi squad are considered as separate transactions. A player moved from the taxi squad to the active roster may force a team to “cut” an eligible player. A team may swap players from the active roster to the taxi squad, and vice-versa. A player swap from the active roster to the taxi squad, or vice-versa, may be requested for approval by the commissioner at any time as long as the transaction does not require a player to be waived from the roster. Transactions that require a team to waive a player to meet roster regulations may only be transacted during the free agent pick-up period. A player swap as described is considered as two transactions.

E. Fantasy Commissioner Web

The WBL currently uses a program called Fantasy Commissioner Web to manage its league database. Each Owner is issued a user name and password, which grants them access to a league web page. The web page contains several screens, which allow a team to manage their transactions, rosters and lineups each week. The commissioner uses the web page to set up the rules, scoring system, team info, schedule, and to manage transactions, etc. Each week, the team owner can enter transactions and lineups from the convenience of their strato-lounger.

F. Transactions

Transactions are procedures for obtaining, moving and handling players. There are several types of league transactions in the WBL. Transactions include: Free-agent pick up, Waivers, Trades, Taxi Squad, Line-up changes, and Scrubbies. The fee for free-agent pick up, trades, line-up changes, and scrubbies is $10.00. The fee for placing a player on the taxi squad is $10.00. The fee for activating a player from the taxi squad to the eligible roster is $10.00. There is no fee for waiving, or “cutting” a player

a.  Free agents

Refer to the Fantasy Commissioners Add/Drop Players page for the date free agent transaction may begin. A team may pick up a player through the free agent market by accessing the web page and using the add/drop players screen. The league transaction period is Tuesday 7:00 am CST - Wednesday 7:00pm CST. If more than one person requests the same player on during the period, a bid will be held to determine the owner. Bids will be taken beginning at $10.00. Prospective owners shall make one bid in $.50 increments. It is suggested that teams that are in need of a particular position for that week in order to ensure themselves of getting players to cover that position make contingency picks. Contingency picks and scrubbie picks may be noted to the commissioner on the add/drop players screen.

b.  Trades 

Players may be traded between teams. Each player traded constitutes one transaction. Players may not be traded for cash. A trade may be requested for approval by the commissioner outside of the free agent transaction period as long as the trade does not require a player to be waived from the roster. Trades that require a team to waive a player to meet roster regulations may only be transacted during the free agent transaction period. Trades can be made between owners and reported to the Commissioner or can be submitted to other owners through the web site trade screen.

c.  Taxi Squad

(See Section III, Article 1, E.)

d.  Waivers

A team can waive or cut a player from their roster at any time during the transaction period each week

e.  Scrubbies

A scrubbie is a free agent pick-up that is only available to a roster for one week. A scrubbie is automatically waived from a roster upon the end of his eligibility. A free agent pick-up may only be declared a scrubbie if the transacting team has a player on their active roster with an NFL bye week. A scrubbie player must be the same position as the position of the player that has the bye week. The intent of the scrubbie transaction is to provide a team an option to fill a roster spot temporarily due to an NFL bye week. 

f.  Line-ups 

A team must submit a line-up each week consisting of 1 quarterback, 2 running backs, 2 wide receivers, 1 Flex player, 1 kicker and 1 defense/special team. Starting players submitted may only come from the active roster. There is no single line-up deadline in the WBL. The deadline for adding a player to the starting line-up is the kickoff time of the player. A player may be added to the starting line-up at any time prior to the kickoff time of that player. The Fantasy Commissioner Web program will “lock out” the player and not allow the player to be added to the starting line-up after the player’s kickoff time. The line-up change transaction is no longer necessary and has been deleted. 

g.  Results 

The WBL currently uses a program called Fantasy Commissioner Web by First Place Sports to manage the league database. It is capable of retrieving statistics from First Place Sports via the Internet. The program is set up to recognize our scoring format and the results of each week’s games are tabulated automatically. Winners and point totals will be based on the results as tabulated by the Fantasy Commissioner Web program. Reports are generated each week showing the results of each game, current standings and other statistics, and are available for viewing by each team owner. 

Article 2 - Drafting 

A. Draft Day 

Draft day is the only mandatory meeting of each year. Draft day for the following year will be set each year at the draft. It shall be typically one to two weeks before the start of the NFL regular season. 

B. Draft Order 

The order of the draft is determined at the Draft Meeting. Draft order for each team participating in league is determined by a double blind draw. 

C. Draft Process 

There are currently 12 teams in the WBL. Teams will draft in order 1 thru 12 in the first round, then 12 thru 1 in the second round, alternating accordingly each round until rosters are filled. Teams shall have 2 minutes to pick for rounds 1 thru 3, 1 ½ minutes for rounds 3 thru 6, and 1 minute for rounds 6 thru 12. A team that exceeds its allotted time to pick shall be skipped and the next team in order will pick. Once a team next in order picks, the order will revert back to the team skipped. WBL club tradition requires beverage breaks at the end of rounds 3, 6, and 9. 

Article 3 - Special Rules 

A. Trade Deadline 

No trades shall be made after the 11th week of the regular season. Also, players who are waived after the 14th week of the regular season are ineligible players for the playoffs. 

B. Free Agent Contingency Pick-ups 

A team may state a contingency free agent pick along with their initial free agent pick. If the initial pick is lost in a bid, the contingency pick will apply. If another owner has also requested the contingency pick on the same day, then a bid will be held for that player also.

C. Quarterbacks 

No team shall be allowed more than 3 quarterbacks on their roster at one time. This includes players on the taxi squad. 

D. Participation Line-up Deficiency 

Participation is expected from each team every week. A team must start seven active players and a D/ST at the league-designated positions each week. A team that fails to play those active players that week will be fined $25.00 per player that is in violation of this rule. If a team starts a player who is on a BYE or fails to start a complete lineup (leaves a spot empty), the fine increases to $50.00.

E. Weekly Game Tiebreaker 

If a regular season head to head game ends in a tie, the tie will be broken by comparing points by position in the following order: Kicker, Quarterback, Running Back, Wide Receiver, Defense/Special Team. If teams are tied following the comparison by position, then the game remains a tie. 

F. Determination of Divisions 

There are 4 divisions in the WBL. They are Shiner, Lone Star, and Pearl.  A team’s draft order number determines division make up as follows: 

  • Shiner - 1, 4, 7, 10
  • Lone Star - 2, 5, 8, 11
  • Pearl - 3, 6, 9, 12

G. Bid Ties 

In the event of a bid tie, teams will rebid. The minimum first rebid is $.50 above the tied bid amount. In the event of a tied rebid, teams will rebid a second time. The minimum second rebid is $.50 above the tied bid rebid amount. In the event of a third tied bid, the player will be awarded to the team with the worse record.  If still tied, a coin flip will decide.  The winningteam will be awarded the player for the last bid.   

H. $0.00/No Bids 

A declared $0.00 bid equals the minimum bid. A declared No Bid eliminates the team from the bid. A $10.00 fee is charged for a No Bid. Failure to bid or submit a bid by the deadline is considered a No Bid.

I. Team Kicker

Each Team will draft a kicker for an entire team.  This means that should a team's kicker not be able to start the team with that kicker would automatically be awarded the replacement kicker for the week.  No transaction will be necessary. 

Article 4 - Playoffs 

A. General 

WBL playoffs consist of 3 weeks of head to head, single elimination play concurrent to weeks 15,16 & 17 of the NFL regular season. The top 8 teams play for the Geno Trophy championship. The bottom 4 teams play for the Toilet Bowl. 

B. Qualification 

The 8 teams to play for the WBL championship are determined as follows: The 3 division winners, 4 teams with the best record of the remaining 9 teams, 1 team with the most total points of the remaining 5 teams. The 4 teams left will play a 2-week, single elimination tournament for the Toilet Bowl. 

C. Qualification Tiebreakers 

The division winner tiebreaker will be head-to-head, division record, and total points. The best record tiebreaker will be head-to-head, and total points. The Total Points Tiebreaker, Article 4, D., will be used for all total points tiebreaker, including to determine playoff seeding in the event of total point ties amongst playoff qualifiers. If more than 2 teams are involved in a tie, there must be a clear-cut head-to-head winner; otherwise the next tiebreaker will be used. For example, teams A, B, C, and D are tied for best record with only 2 playoff spots for best record left open. A comparison of head-to-head results must be made to determine if team A beat teams B, C and D, or team B beat teams A, C and D, etc. If A team has beaten the others head-to-head, then team A qualifies for a playoff spot. Teams B, C, and D are then subject to the same tiebreaker process. If there is no clear head-to-head winner, then the next tiebreaker will be used. 

D. Total Points Tiebreaker

If two or more teams are tied for the Total Points playoff spot, the first tiebreaker will be head-to-head, followed by overall record, then the commissioner or his designee will draw a number from 1 – 14. The number drawn will represent the week number to begin a head-to-head game total comparison. The weekly total of each team in the tiebreaker will be compared head-to-head. The team with the lowest total will be eliminated from the tiebreaker. The teams remaining will proceed to the next week and repeat the process. The head-to-head comparison will be repeated until one team is left.

E. Format 

Teams are seeded for the playoffs based on total points. In the upper draw, team 1 plays team 8, and team 4 plays team 5. In the lower draw, team 2 plays team 7, and team 3 plays team 6. For the Toilet Bowl, team 1 will play team 4 and team 2 will play team 3. 

Article 5 - Pay Out 

A. Format 

The league will pay out for regular season play and playoffs as follows (No pot splitting allowed): 

2% - First half season total points (first 7 regular games)

2% - Second half season total points (last 7 regular season games)

12% - Division winners (4% for each division winner) 

20% - First round playoff winners (5% for each winner) 

28% - Second round playoff winners (14% for each winner) 

33% - WBL Champion 

3% - Toilet Bowl


EXHIBIT A – WBL Scoring System

This is a partial list.  For a complete list, please see the website.

Position Scoring Category Points
Quarterback Field Goal 3 point(s) each
Quarterback Kick-off Return TD 6 point(s) each
Quarterback Offensive Fumble Return TD 6 point(s) each
Quarterback Passing Two-point Conversion 2 point(s) each
Quarterback Passing Yardage 1 point(s) for every 50 Passing Yardage
Quarterback Passing TD 6 point(s) each
Quarterback Punt Return TD 6 point(s) each
Quarterback Receiving Two-point Conversion 2 point(s) each
Quarterback Receiving Yardage 1 point(s) for every 20 Receiving Yardage
Quarterback Receiving TD 6 point(s) each
Quarterback Rushing Two-point Conversion 2 point(s) each
Quarterback Rushing Yardage 1 point(s) for every 20 Rushing Yardage
Quarterback Rushing TD 6 point(s) each
Quarterback Extra Point 1 point(s) each
Running Back Field Goal 3 point(s) each
Running Back Kick-off Return TD 6 point(s) each
Running Back Offensive Fumble Return TD 6 point(s) each
Running Back Passing Two-point Conversion 2 point(s) each
Running Back Passing Yardage 1 point(s) for every 50 Passing Yardage
Running Back Passing TD 6 point(s) each
Running Back Punt Return TD 6 point(s) each
Running Back Receiving Two-point Conversion 2 point(s) each
Running Back Receiving Yardage 1 point(s) for every 20 Receiving Yardage
Running Back Receiving TD 6 point(s) each
Running Back Rushing Two-point Conversion 2 point(s) each
Running Back Rushing Yardage 1 point(s) for every 20 Rushing Yardage


League History

History: The DBL (Now WBL) was established in 1988. It began as a 10-team, Basic scoring league. It is presently a 12-team Combined Basic and Performance scoring league.  The 10 original Owners and Team names were:

  • Ben Cernosek - Cak Chasers
  • Mike Heimlich - M.U.F.F.
  • Gene Gonzalez - WTBS Lickers
  • Joe Wolf - Nads
  • Johnny Sudbury - Express
  • Vince Thill - Dodge City Pets
  • Gene Roznos - Pole Patrol
  • Jeff Hackenbracht - Tet Offensive
  • Todd Brill - One-Eyed Trouser Trouts
  • Gary Monnette - LTV Smegmas

The total kitty was $553.00.  First Place = $359.45, Second Place = $138.25, and Third Place = $55.30


  1. 1988-Nads, Joe Wolf
  2. 1989-Cherry Bombers, Gary Monnette
  3. 1990-Fantasy Flames, Scott Swanger
  4. 1991-Cherry Bombers, Gary Monnette
  5. 1992-Po' Boys, Jeff Gerik/Alan Scarisbrick
  6. 1993-Fully Loaded, Ben Cernosek
  7. 1994-Po' Boys, Jeff Gerik/Alan Scarisbrick
  8. 1995-Fully Loaded, Ben Cernosek
  9. 1996-Pole Patrol, Gene Roznos/Damon Inman
  10. 1997-TRCC, Thomas Wolf/Cara Croll
  11. 1998-Pole Patrol, Damon Inman/Gene Roznos
  12. 1999-Zipperheads, Paul Woods
  13. 2000-Zipperheads, Paul Woods
  14. 2001-TRCC, Thomas Wolf/Mike Willis/Lori Rizo/Jerry Foitek/Monica Sebik/Tony Jones
  15. 2002-TRCC, Thomas Wolf/Mike Willis/Lori Rizo/Jerry Foitek/Monica Sebik/Tony Jones
  16. 2003-Red Wolf, Joe Wolf/Jeff Holloman
  17. 2004-Madd Doggs, Ben Cernosek/Alan Rieger
  18. 2005-Hammer Heads, Greg Hutyra/SteveHutyra
  19. 2006-Dead Money, Gary Monnette/Nick Rakigija
  20. 2007-69ers, Vince Thill
  21. 2008-All In, Gene Gonzales/Johnny Sudbury
  22. 2009-Pole Patrol, Gene Roznos/Damon Inman
  23. 2010-TRCC, Thomas Wolf
  24. 2011-Lone Star Rabbits, Jeff Holloman/Joshua Nors
  25. 2012-Lone Star Rabbits, Jeff Holloman/Joshua Nors
  26. 2013-Madd Doggs, Alan Rieger
  27. 2014-Dead Money, Gary Monnette, Nick Rakigjija
  28. 2015-TRCC, Thomas Wolf, Lori Wolf, Wyatt
  29. 2016-BA Hookers, Bryan Anderson
  30. 2017-Madd Doggs, Alan Rieger
  31. 2018-TRCC, Thomas Wolf, Lori Wolf, Wyatt
  32. 2019-The Insiders, Matt Matus, Jo Russell
  33. 2020-Easy Money, Brad Gilbert
  34. 2021-Dead Money, Gary Monnette, Nick Rakigjija
  35. 2022-Co-Champions- Dead Money, Gary Monnette, Nick Rakigjija & TRCC, Thomas Wolf, Lori Wolf, Wyatt



Regular Season
NFL Week 1 thru NFL Week 14
Post Season
NFL Week 15 thru NFL Week 17



Tie Breakers
  1. Head-to-Head
  2. Divisional Record
  3. Total Points Standings
  4. None
Game Tie Breakers
Your commissioner will manually establish all playoff games


Roster Size
Roster Limits
Running Back012
Wide Rec/TE012
Defense/Sp Team012

Wide Rec/TE
Combined receiver position
Def/Special Teams
Combined as one unit
Injured Reserve
Up to 2 players may be placed on injured reserve
Team owners may place any player on I/R at anytime
Taxi Squad
League does not use taxi squad


Lineup Limits
Running Back2
Wide Rec/TE2
Defense/Sp Team1
Flex ( RB WR/TE TE )1
Week 1Fri Mar 1 12:00am ETthruMon Sep 9 11:00pm ET
Week 2Tue Sep 10 7:00am ETthruMon Sep 16 11:00pm ET
Week 3Tue Sep 17 7:00am ETthruMon Sep 23 11:00pm ET
Week 4Tue Sep 24 7:00am ETthruMon Sep 30 11:00pm ET
Week 5Tue Oct 1 7:00am ETthruMon Oct 7 11:00pm ET
Week 6Tue Oct 8 7:00am ETthruMon Oct 14 11:00pm ET
Week 7Tue Oct 15 7:00am ETthruMon Oct 21 11:00pm ET
Week 8Tue Oct 22 7:00am ETthruMon Oct 28 11:00pm ET
Week 9Tue Oct 29 7:00am ETthruMon Nov 4 11:00pm ET
Week 10Tue Nov 5 7:00am ETthruMon Nov 11 11:00pm ET
Week 11Tue Nov 12 7:00am ETthruMon Nov 18 11:00pm ET
Week 12Tue Nov 19 7:00am ETthruMon Nov 25 11:00pm ET
Week 13Tue Nov 26 7:00am ETthruMon Dec 2 11:00pm ET
Week 14Tue Dec 3 7:00am ETthruMon Dec 9 11:00pm ET
Playoff Week 1Tue Dec 10 7:00am ETthruMon Dec 16 11:00pm ET
Playoff Week 2Tue Dec 17 7:00am ETthruMon Dec 23 11:00pm ET
Playoff Week 3Tue Dec 24 7:00am ETthruSun Dec 29 11:00pm ET

Online Draft

Online Draft
Not Used

Free Agents

Player Adds
League uses a waiver wire to add free agents to a team
Waiver Wire
Players awarded Blind Bid, Commissioner Awards
Minimum waiver bid $10
Maximum waiver bid $999
Teams may acquire as many players as they wish per waiver wire

Teams may not acquire players after their game has started
Preseason Waivers
Your commissioner does not permit preseason waivers
Week 1 Waivers
Submission deadlines: Wed @ 8:00pm ET
If bids are tied, the first bid submitted will be awarded the player.
In-Season Waivers
Submission deadlines: Wed @ 8:00pm ET
Protected Free Agents
Not Used
Transaction Limits
Unlimited free agent adds by a team per week
Unlimited free agent adds by a team for the year


Team owners may trade, but commissioner approval is required
Trading is suspended after Fantasy Week 11
Future Draft Picks
Your commissioner does not permit trading future draft picks
Week 1Fri Mar 1 12:00am ETthruSun Sep 8 1:00pm ET
Week 2Tue Sep 10 7:00am ETthruSun Sep 15 1:00pm ET
Week 3Tue Sep 17 7:00am ETthruSun Sep 22 1:00pm ET
Week 4Tue Sep 24 7:00am ETthruSun Sep 29 1:00pm ET
Week 5Tue Oct 1 7:00am ETthruSun Oct 6 1:00pm ET
Week 6Tue Oct 8 7:00am ETthruSun Oct 13 1:00pm ET
Week 7Tue Oct 15 7:00am ETthruSun Oct 20 1:00pm ET
Week 8Tue Oct 22 7:00am ETthruSun Oct 27 1:00pm ET
Week 9Tue Oct 29 7:00am ETthruSun Nov 3 1:00pm ET
Week 10Tue Nov 5 7:00am ETthruSun Nov 10 1:00pm ET
Week 11Tue Nov 12 7:00am ETthruSun Nov 17 1:00pm ET
The league will be notified of completed trades

League Fees

Assessed Fees
League Entry$400
Wins and Losses
Wins Credit$0
Roster Moves
Each Player Acquired$0
Each Player Acquired via Waivers$0
Each Player Acquired via Free Agency$0
Each Player Released$0
Each Player Placed on I/R$10
Each Player Activated from I/R$10
Lineup Moves
Each Player Started$0
Each Player Benched$0
Each Trade$0
Each Player Traded Away$0
Each Player Traded For$10

Rushing Scoring

Rushing TDs
6 pts for each rushing TD
Rushing 2XPs
2 pts for each rushing 2XP
Rushing Yds
1 pts for every 20 rushing yds beginning with 20 rushing yds
Rushing Atts
Not Used
Yds Per Rush
Not Used
Rushing First Downs
Not Used
Yd TD Rush
Not Used
Fumbles Lost
Not Used
Not Used

Passing Scoring

Passing TDs
6 pts for each passing TD
Passing 2XPs
2 pts for each passing 2XP
Passing Yds
1 pts for every 50 passing yds beginning with 50 passing yds
Passing Atts
Not Used
Yds Per Attempt
Not Used
Not Used
Yds Per Completion
Not Used
% Completion Rate
Not Used
Passer Rating
Not Used
Passing First Downs
Not Used
Yd TD Pass
Not Used
Interceptions Thrown
Not Used
Pick 6s
Not Used
Not Used
Times Sacked
Not Used

Receiving Scoring

Receiving TDs
6 pts for each receiving TD
Receiving 2XP
2 pts for each receiving 2XP
Receiving Yds
1 pts for every 20 receiving yds beginning with 20 receiving yds
Not Used
Yds Per Reception
Not Used
Not Used
Rec First Downs
Not Used
Yd TD Reception
Not Used

Combined Yardage Scoring

Rush And Rec Yds
Not Used
Rush And Pass Yds
Not Used
Rush, Pass, And Rec Yds
Not Used

Kicking Scoring

Made FGs
Not Used
3 pts for 10 to 49 yd FG
4 pts for 50 to 59 yd FG
5 pts for 60 to 99 yd FG
Made PATs
1 pts for each made PAT
Missed FGs
Not Used
Yd Missed FG
Not Used
Missed XPs
Not Used

Defensive Scoring

Fumble Return TDs
6 pts for each fumble return TD
Yd Fumble Return TD
Not Used
Int Return TDs
6 pts for each int return TD
Yd Int Return TD
Not Used
2 pts for each safety
Defensive ST TDs
6 pts for each defensive ST TD
Yd Defensive ST TD
Not Used
Defensive ST Safety
2 pts for each defensive ST safety
Pts Allowed
Not Used
D/ST Pts Allowed
Not Used
Yds Allowed
Not Used
Rushing Yds Allowed
Not Used
Passing Yds Allowed
Not Used
1 pts for each sack
Sack Yds
Not Used
Fumbles Forced
Not Used
Fumbles Recovered
1 pts for each fumble recovered
Fumble Return Yds
Not Used
1 pts for each interception
Int Return Yds
Not Used
Not Used
Turnover Return Yds
Not Used
Over On Downs
Not Used
Blocked FGs
Not Used
Blocked XPs
Not Used
Blocked Punts
Not Used
Not Used
Tackles For Loss
Not Used
Not Used
Passes Defensed
Not Used

Special Teams Scoring

Kickoff Return TDs
6 pts for each kickoff return TD
Yd Kickoff Return TD
Not Used
Kickoff Return Yds
Not Used
Punt Return TDs
6 pts for each punt return TD
Yd Punt Return TD
Not Used
Punt Return Yds
Not Used
Return Yds
Not Used
Punts Inside20
Not Used
XP Returns
2 pts for each XP return
XP Safetys
Not Used
2XP Stops
Not Used
ST Fumbles Lost
Not Used
ST Fumbles
Not Used