Guest of the League
Minnesota Playoffs Est. 2009
NFL Playoffs League - FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1


Draft League DivisionPointsBehind
The Hall-way*0.00 
In the Flesch*0.00 
Big A Daniels0.00 
Dummy Team0.00 
Rookie Sensation*0.00 
The Dodger0.00 
Jr's Assault*0.00 
Horsey's Haymaker*0.00 
Leon Attack*0.00 
The Griddy King*0.00 
Carter Ballard*0.00 
Pick League DivisionPointsBehind
Knutson's Killers0.00 
Luke Lenox10.00 
Grant Lemay0.00 
Melanie Lemay0.00 
Coach Ahlstrom 20.00 
Matt Puhl 20.00 
Jeremy Beseman 20.00 
Matt Puhl10.00 
Coach Ahlstrom10.00 
Bruce McGuire10.00 
Jeremy Beseman10.00 
Peggy Oerter10.00 
Jim Oerter10.00 
Ryan Sixt10.00 
Free Sixt0.00 
Perry Horrisberger 20.00 
Perry Horrisberger10.00 
Ryan Sixt0.00 
Nathan McGuire10.00 
Hollywoods Hitmen0.00 
Weekly League DivisionPointsBehind
The Dodgers0.00 
West Side Ballers0.00 
Red Puppies0.00 
Duck Duck Grey Duck0.00 
Horsey Haymakers0.00 