Guest of the League
East Coast Seinfeld League Est. 2003
FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1


John Drew Memorial DivisionWinsLossesDivPA in GamesTot Pts
Postal Workers000-00.000.00
The Van Buren Boys000-00.000.00
The Second Spitters000-00.000.00
Coco The Monkey000-00.000.00
Were The Devils!000-00.000.00
Downtown Regifters000-00.000.00
The Muffin Tops000-00.000.00
The Soup Nazis000-00.000.00
Vandelay Industries000-00.000.00
Yada Yada Yada000-00.000.00
Del Boca Vista000-00.000.00
Explanation of Standings