Guest of the League
Dunstan Football League Est. 2003
FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1


Eastern DivisionWinsLossesDivPA in GamesTot Pts
1 - GoLong or GoHome000-000
12 - Condors000-000
8 - Tom Meader000-000
5 - Edelman's Catch000-000
9 - Buffet Bashers000-000
4 - Air Coryell000-000
Western DivisionWinsLossesDivPA in GamesTot Pts
2 - Ball Deflators000-000
11 - Steel Riots000-000
3 - Logans Run 4 #1000-000
7 - Gronkinator000-000
6 - Ray's Allstars000-000
10 - Pack Attack000-000
Explanation of Standings