Guest of the League
SPL by Commissioner Keib Est. 2003
FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1


Black DivisionWinsLossesDivPA in GamesTot Pts
A6 CubsFan#1000-000
A2 Freedom Gliders000-000
A3 Phins Fever000-000
A1 Boston Creme Puffs000-000
A7 Pgh Fam Mates000-000
A4 Eagle Eli000-000
A5 Lynsneezers000-000
Yellow DivisionWinsLossesDivPA in GamesTot Pts
B5 Nowhere To Go But Up000-000
B1 Puff Destroyers000-000
B4 Pat's Pick 6 + 2000-000
B2 Tulsa Pumpers000-000
B3 Hit for the Cycle000-000
B7 The Dreamers000-000
B6 Chargers000-000
Explanation of Standings