Guest of the League
Somerset Knights of Columbus #9925 Est. 2006
FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1

2023 Season Archive

League Champion:
Upstate Invasion
Most Points Season:
1450.53 - Turn Down For Watt
Highest Scoring Week:
132.80 - South Middlebush Pigs
Knight Bowl Loser /3rd Place Game Winner:
Ice Cold Beer/Rollin with Mahomes

2022 Season Archive

League Champion:
CO-CHAMPS: Baum Squad & Hooked on a Thielen
Most Points Season:
1537.37 - Playmakers
Highest Scoring Week:
141.92 - Playmakers
3rd Place Game Winner:
Ice Cold Beer

2021 Season Archive

League Champion:
Elsinore Brewry
Most Points Season:
1500.60 - Watts for Shots
Highest Scoring Week:
142.44 - Watts for Shots
Knight Bowl Loser /3rd Place Game Winner:
Los Pollos Hermanos / Ito's Italian EnunWater Ice

2020 Season Archive

League Champion:
Los Pollos Hermanos
Most Points Season:
1807.59 - Ito's Italian EnunWater Ice
Highest Scoring Week:
171.64 - Baum Squad
Babe Ruth:
Most Points Season:
1745.96 - Wentzlyvania
Highest Scoring Week:
160.50 - Wentzlyvania
Vince Lombardi:
Most Points Season:
1807.59 - Ito's Italian EnunWater Ice
Highest Scoring Week:
171.64 - Baum Squad
Knight Bowl Loser/Conference Champion:
Babe Ruth:
Vince Lombardi:

2019 Season Archive

League Champion:
McGivneys Marauders
Most Points Season:
1718.03 - Upstate Invasion
Highest Scoring Week:
162.45 - Turn Down For Watt
Babe Ruth:
Most Points Season:
1718.03 - Upstate Invasion
Highest Scoring Week:
157.08 - Prestige Worldwide
Vince Lombardi:
Most Points Season:
1659.10 - Brothers of Pain
Highest Scoring Week:
162.45 - Turn Down For Watt
Knight Bowl Loser/Conference Champion:
Brothers of Pain
Babe Ruth:
Vince Lombardi:

2018 Season Archive

League Champion:
Los Pollos Hermanos
Most Points Season:
1727.54 - Los Pollos Hermanos
Highest Scoring Week:
162.59 - Wicked Hammer
Babe Ruth:
Most Points Season:
1727.54 - Los Pollos Hermanos
Highest Scoring Week:
162.59 - Wicked Hammer
Vince Lombardi:
Most Points Season:
1650.61 - Hooked on a Thielen
Highest Scoring Week:
151.83 - Brothers of Pain
Knight Bowl Loser/Conference Champion:
Hooked on a Thielen
Babe Ruth:
Vince Lombardi:

2017 Season Archive

League Champion:
Watts for Shots
Most Points Season:
1600.26 - Dallas Giants
Highest Scoring Week:
147.43 - Wentzlyvania
Babe Ruth:
Most Points Season:
1516.76 - Upstate Invasion
Highest Scoring Week:
131.83 - Upstate Invasion
Vince Lombardi:
Most Points Season:
1600.26 - Dallas Giants
Highest Scoring Week:
147.43 - Wentzlyvania
Knight Bowl Loser/Conference Champion:
Brothers of Pain
Babe Ruth:
Vince Lombardi:

2016 Season Archive

League Champion:
Brothers of Pain
Most Points Season:
1626.95 - 50 Shades of Heyward-Bey
Highest Scoring Week:
161.60 - Upstate Invasion
Babe Ruth:
Most Points Season:
1602.36 - Ice Cold Beer
Highest Scoring Week:
145.88 - Prestige Worldwide
Vince Lombardi:
Most Points Season:
1626.95 - 50 Shades of Heyward-Bey
Highest Scoring Week:
161.60 - Upstate Invasion
Knight Bowl Loser/Conference Champion:
Watts for Shots
Babe Ruth:
Vince Lombardi:

2015 Season Archive

League Champion:
Watts for Shots
Most Points Season:
1759.47 - Dallas Giants
Highest Scoring Week:
158.32 - Dallas Giants
Babe Ruth:
Most Points Season:
1597.39 - Watts for Shots
Highest Scoring Week:
154.90 - Watts for Shots
Vince Lombardi:
Most Points Season:
1759.47 - Dallas Giants
Highest Scoring Week:
158.32 - Dallas Giants
Knight Bowl Loser/Conference Champion:
Ice Cold Beer
Babe Ruth:
Vince Lombardi:

2014 Season Archive

League Champion:
The Tarvaris Jacksons
Most Points Season:
1696.88 - The Tarvaris Jacksons
Highest Scoring Week:
156.21 - Brothers of Pain
Connie Mack:
Most Points Season:
1680.37 - United States of Amaro-ca
Highest Scoring Week:
145.55 - Manziels Trust Fund
Gil Hodges:
Most Points Season:
1696.88 - The Tarvaris Jacksons
Highest Scoring Week:
156.21 - Brothers of Pain
Knight Bowl Loser/Conference Champion:
Watts for Shots
Connie Mack:
Gil Hodges:

2013 Season Archive

League Champion:
Most Points Season:
1718.12 - Playmakers
Highest Scoring Week:
149.16 - Prestige Worldwide
Mike Ditka:
Most Points Season:
1718.12 - Playmakers
Highest Scoring Week:
147.40 - Playmakers
Ron Guidry:
Most Points Season:
1630.30 - Prestige Worldwide
Highest Scoring Week:
149.16 - Prestige Worldwide
Knight Bowl Loser/Conference Champion:
Prestige Worldwide
Mike Ditka:
Ron Guidry:

2012 Season Archive

League Champion:
Brothers of Pain
Most Points Season:
1550.59 - Brothers of Pain
Highest Scoring Week:
142.00 - Chourico
Babe Ruth:
Most Points Season:
1544.42 - OysterBoyZ
Highest Scoring Week:
135.57 - Dallas Giants
Vince Lombardi:
Most Points Season:
1550.59 - Brothers of Pain
Highest Scoring Week:
142.00 - Chourico
Knight Bowl Loser/Conference Champion:
Silver Backs
Babe Ruth:
Vince Lombardi:

2011 Season Archive

League Champion:
Dallas Giants
Most Points Season:
1666.96 - OysterBoyZ
Highest Scoring Week:
161.47 - OysterBoyZ
Most Points Season:
1598.05 - McGivneys Marauders
Highest Scoring Week:
154.05 - Elsinore Brewry
It is what it is:
Most Points Season:
1666.96 - OysterBoyZ
Highest Scoring Week:
161.47 - OysterBoyZ
Knight Bowl Loser/Conference Champion:
Elsinore Brewry
It is what it is:

2010 Season Archive

League Champion:
Elsinore Brewry
Most Points Season:
1559.99 - Ice Cold Beer
Highest Scoring Week:
142.87 - Chourico
Most Points Season:
1508.48 - Undertakers
Highest Scoring Week:
141.68 - Undertakers
Most Points Season:
1559.99 - Ice Cold Beer
Highest Scoring Week:
142.87 - Chourico
Knight Bowl Loser/Conference Champion:
Tims Royals

2009 Season Archive

League Champion:
Most Points Season:
1514.32 - Undertakers
Highest Scoring Week:
172.94 - Undertakers
Runner Up:
Urban Crusaders

2008 Season Archive

League Champion:
Upstate Invasion
Most Points Season:
1120.88 - Upstate Invasion
Highest Scoring Week:
109.18 - Undertakers
Runner Up:
McGivneys Marauders

2007 Season Archive

League Champion:
Elsinore Brewry
Most Points Season:
1366.26 - Silver Backs
Highest Scoring Week:
142.88 - Silver Backs
Runner Up:
Silver Backs

2006 Season Archive

League Champion:
Most Points Season:
1319.87 - Chillin Out
Highest Scoring Week:
138.36 - Chillin Out
Runner Up: