Guest of the League
1 and Done Fantasy Season Est. 2014
One and Done - FFL: Week 3 | NFL: Week 3
Robert Murphy Thu Sep 5 12:24pm ET
Is this league $50?
Commissioner Wed Sep 4 5:46pm ET

Fixed Again

Kurt Reber Wed Sep 4 3:51pm ET

Still no luck.  New error message about exceeding the roster limit of 2 RBs, or 2 WRs or 1 TE

Commissioner Wed Sep 4 2:15pm ET

Should be fixed now to include flex.

Kurt Reber Wed Sep 4 10:54am ET

Doesn't let us set a lineup.  I don't think we had a flex last year so the settings contradict each other.  Says max roster size is 8 (QB RB RB WR WR TE D K) but the new setting with a flex won't let you submit unless you fill that open flex spot.  Then it says you're over the max roster size limit.