Guest of the League
AWFFL Texas Est. 2002
FFL: Week 3 | NFL: Week 3
Raiders Sun Sep 22 2:07pm ET

I see like Swift, Jennifer Lopez has decided to endorse a candidate! Well, Jennifer has been married multiple time and twice to Ben who has his own problems, and she dated Diddy! Not sure this is her area of expertise!

Crazyhorse Wed Sep 18 9:08pm ET

The GREAT CHIEF has decided to start Taylor Swift this week and bench the Travis guy.

Commissioner Wed Sep 18 8:58pm ET

Don't get excited about the cover slugs on the Update. Yes, I forgot to change them from last week.

Commissioner Wed Sep 18 8:44pm ET

The Week #2 newsletter should be in your email.

All Updates are also available in the "My Links" drop-down menu, the first option to the left at the top of the home page.

Tight Ends Mon Sep 16 11:48pm ET
Bomb Squad won Survivor in Week TWO???? WTH??? I am hoping that Baltimore and Philly both losing will knock a number out of last man standing! And thank heavens, I didn’t pick either of them and went with Kansas City, who barely squeaked by
Death Campers Mon Sep 16 12:21am ET

Classic line of an anti first amendment, cancel culturist but OK commish we will be good!

Commissioner Sun Sep 15 9:55pm ET

I have been adamant about not posting political commentary on our football message board. It started with a cleverly crafted football themed post with a satirical, but not-so-subliminal political punchline. Then I, of all people (drinking again, obviously) chimed in with an innocuous non-football entry, and then another post jumped in.

D's Nuts was absolutely right about this not being the proper forum for politics.  And, sadly, I was one of the violators. For that I apologize. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE NO POLITICS HERE. This is our hobby, "fantasy," our escape from all the outside noise.

Again, I apologize. Be registered, vote, proselytize wherever you like; but not here.Thank you. 

Death Campers Sun Sep 15 8:15pm ET

Congrats Jay! Next time I won't change my lineup, ha!

Bomb Squad Sun Sep 15 7:27pm ET

Ryan maybe your bottom game will do like mine 

, maybe even better.

Crazyhorse Sun Sep 15 6:43pm ET

What is the prize for winning the Toilet Bowl this season.  A friend wants to know!!!