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FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1
Mike Mazz Wed May 29 5:23pm ET
The other option I guess is you could just throw in one or two absolutely trash throw away pieces so the system won’t give an error message. Thanks!
Mike Mazz Wed May 29 5:22pm ET
Hi Phil, I am trying to accept your counter proposal but when I do it says the move will put you over the roster limit. Maybe the commissioner should help.
Commissioner Mon Mar 18 9:24am ET

Good callout - the ability to add a player should be locked.  This is a quirk of the website when the new league year goes back to some default settings.

Just Win Baby Sun Mar 17 9:49am ET
Hi Commish,

1. Add/drop is open. Perhaps it shouldn't be until regular season.
2. Add drop includes rookies. I just added QB Maye.

Please let me know if I should reverse all of the transactions done this off-season
