Guest of the League
1,2,3....shoot Est. 2008
FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1
Dan Sun Jun 23 8:28pm ET
Anyone trade out of picks send me offers
Matt Sun Jun 23 8:07pm ET

If anyone is open to trading their 3rd or 4th round selections, please let me know

Mike Mazz Thu Jun 20 9:08pm ET
I messaged u back.
Matt Thu Jun 20 8:54pm ET

Anyone interested in trading up into 1.08?

Matt Tue Jun 18 7:34pm ET

If you need to drop players in order to execute a pick, you can either let me know and I'll drop them or you can manually drop players via "Add/Drop Players" or "I/R Players". 

Commissioner Tue Jun 18 12:17pm ET
Draft has technically begun - feel free to reach out with any questions.
Dan Sat Jun 15 10:18pm ET
Hey Matt - for the record I only bitch when the pick takes 3 days 😂 which ironically is still only about half the time it takes for me and Matt to agree on a trade!
Commissioner Sat Jun 15 7:55pm ET

You have successfully shamed me into shaming all the outstanding league members - now confirmed we are at 12.

I'll set the Rookie Draft to start Tuesday, 6/18 at 12:00pm.  This will give everyone a few days to situate rosters etc.  As per usual, there is no time limit...but please try to keep the draft moving (or else I have to deal with the likes of Dan pissing and moaning).  Hi Dan!

Same housekeeping items prior to the draft:

  • League Fees: let's please square up prior to the Draft - it simply makes everything easier
  • Rule Changes (if any): please feel free to raise any ideas/suggestions/pain points (let's ban kickers!!) and we can discuss/vote collectively

Any questions/concerns - please feel free to reach out.

Just Win Baby Thu Jun 13 8:07pm ET
Edited: Thu Jun 13 8:27pm ET
Can you just msg people that didn't confirm their spot yet?
Invasion of Normandy was quicker than our drafts.
Slight overstatement, but let's go people
John Tue Jun 4 2:05pm ET
Edited: Tue Jun 4 2:07pm ET
Commissioner wrote:

(Draft start time still just a placeholder until everyone is active & confirmed.)

I'm in (and paid) - and not interested in trading away any draft picks rounds 1 through 5.