Guest of the League
1,2,3....shoot Est. 2008
FFL: Week 4 | NFL: Week 4
Phil Tue Sep 24 2:10pm ET
It's anybody league so far, good luck you sum bithches.
Commissioner Mon Sep 2 10:08pm ET

Hey guys - update on waiver wire/free agency heading into NFL Week 1:

  • Week 1 (this week): waivers will run Tues & Wed night (at 10pm), per the process of previous weeks.  Free agency (first come, first served) will begin Thurs at 9am (same as prior seasons).
  • Week 2 & beyond: waivers will run Wed night (at 10pm).  Free agency (first come, first served) will begin Thurs at 9am (same as prior seasons).

Any questions, please don't hesitate to reach out.

One more housekeeping item: there are still a handful of you not fully paid up - please square this away ASAP.




Mike Mazz Tue Jul 16 8:45pm ET
Commissioner Tue Jul 16 4:10pm ET
If anyone is running into issues placing bids within the app, please try using the RTSports website (desktop or mobile).
Commissioner Sun Jul 14 12:41pm ET

Hey guys - revisiting the free agency topic: aside from a few strong opinions on the matter (completely valid opinions, I might add), the general consensus I have from 1-on-1 conversations with some of you, message board comments, polling etc. is that most owners don't feel strongly one way or the other.

Given all of this, I am inclined to move forward with this approach: Daily waiver wire runs on Tues/Wed/Thurs/Fri/Sat each week over the summer.

To me, this balances out rewarding owners who are closely following NFL news in this type of league, without penalizing owners who can't be glued to their phones/computers 24/7.

Again, this feels like a fair compromise to me, but if anyone adamantly disagrees just shoot me a not on the side and we can discuss further.

Assuming no issues, the next waiver wire run would be Tues, 7/16.

Mike Mazz Mon Jul 8 11:05pm ET
I agree with Dingo. The draft is over let free agency stay open from now until week 1 and then run the usual BAU in season waiver pick ups.
Dingo14 Sun Jul 7 8:25pm ET
I think there should be open free agency
Dan Sat Jul 6 11:28pm ET
Has any thought been given to increasing the roster size?
Dan Sat Jul 6 10:59pm ET
Commissioner wrote:

Hey all,

On this free agency question - feels like there are two obvious items to note:

  • bunch of you, myself included, do not have incredibly strong opinions either way

  • the voting so far is pretty tight


What about this as a path forward / compromise:

  • run the initial waiver wire Saturday (as currently scheduled)

  • after that, run at 10pm EACH NIGHT (Tues-Sat, as that is all the site allows) for the entirely of the offseason up until NFL Week 1

This evens the playing field a bit for someone who can't be locked to their phone 24/7, but also doesn't fully punish those owners who are following the offseason daily.

(Reminder: $0 bids are allowed on the waiver wire.)


Assuming there are no visceral reactions to this, I am happy to set it in motion over the next few months.

So this would eliminate any open free agency and force bids for any player during the off-season?
Mike Mazz Sat Jul 6 12:41pm ET
Idk where to vote.