Guest of the League
FFL: Week 3 | NFL: Week 3
RAY RAY'S ROOKIES Tue Sep 17 12:01am ET

NFL Family...Sometimes it be's like that when your ass can't score more that 65-points, my ass deserve to lose. and YOUNGHOE KOO got that ass and I'm not happy about that shit. Anyhow I'm 0-2 to start off the season which is never a good look, just have to move on to week-3 and try and take down ROGER STAUBACH in week-3. I see you ROGER STAUBACH with them 200-points in the first two weeks of the season living your best fantasy football life right about now. Let me be the one to put a stop to that minor win streak you be on right about now because I damn show don't want to go 0-3

RAY RAY'S ROOKIES Mon Sep 16 12:04pm ET

NFL Family...CNOTE, what it be like my brother. I know your ass is hoping that KOO-KOO can kick your ass to victory and you already know about the famous saying by Jesse Jackson which is "KEEP HOPE ALIVE" so you must believe in that KOO-KOO can put that work in tonight and get it done. I myself can't see it happening when I still have BJAN & PITTS waiting and ready to put that work in tonight also to prevent that shit from happening. Any who keep the faith my brother and believe that KOO-KOO can get it done for your ass and prevent you from starting off the 2024 season 0-2, now that's what up for tonight's game and I'll have more to say afterwards.

RAY RAY'S ROOKIES Thu Sep 12 10:51pm ET

NFL Family...Week-1 is now behind us and that beat down LADYMOP put on my ass beating me by 89-points made my ass feel a certain type of way about my roster especially when I watched Saquon hit my ass for 30 damn points. But y'all know what, a bounce back win in week-2 against CNOTE would be a sweet thang putting his ass at a 0-2 start. I'm making changes right about now and putting Dak's ass in my starting lineup to see if I can get more than 2-poiints from the quarterback position which is so damn critical and y'all already know if the QB position don't score chances on your ass winning is probably not happening, you feel me. So as Dak's ass would say before the snap of each play "HERE WE GO, HERE WE GO" let week-2 begin with a different outcome for my ass. 

RAMU Tue Sep 10 12:54am ET
Oboi, they're not going to score like that all the time. Line them up and get ready for next week.
OBOI Sun Sep 8 8:22pm ET
If a kicker scores that many points what’s the point on playing 👀
RAY RAY'S ROOKIES Fri Sep 6 1:33pm ET

NFL Family...Yo y'all "WHAT THE F**K" is happening, my ass didn't even put in a starting lineup before the start of last night's game and my rookie receiver Xavier Worthy scored 20-points in that game. If that cost my ass in week-1 can't blame no other than my own ass. So what y'all think, is the rookie gonna catch any deep passes from Mahomes moving forward, I think so, believe that shit.  Now my expectations for the other 4 rookies in my starting lineup to deliver is really high also.  I'm feeling so confident in my starting lineup with all these rookies that I just can't wait until Sunday's games.

CNOTE Tue Sep 3 11:53am ET
That team was too strong last year. I looked over that roster and was like, no fucking way that happens again. Told you that shit before the draft. Man of my word. 😎
OBOI Thu Aug 29 7:01pm ET
Good looking out Ray Ray Rookies 👀 them dudes was not letting me have nothing to do with that 2023 squad but you know I had throw counter blows at they asses…
RAY RAY'S ROOKIES Thu Aug 29 6:20pm ET
Edited: Thu Aug 29 9:10pm ET

NFL Family...Just think next week at this time week-1 begins and everybody's ass is hoping that they start off the season with a win.  I just want to give a special shoutout to our champion OBOI and ask the question is it true  that the Champ can't take a draft punch. I mean word has it that while drafting in the 8th spot he became  "DISCOMBOBULATED" and shited on himself and began going blind on what to pick throughout this year's draft when it came to his turn to pick. I mean damn I just don't see the champ shitting on himself and not knowining what to pick when it came to his turn to pick but then again I wasn't physically there at this years draft so I'm only going by here say from RAMU & CNOTE and they both put the Champ on blast. But when I looked at the Champ's roster he drafted well, I mean it looked pretty damn good to me and for the life of me can't get it to register why RAMU & CNOTE would say the Champ can't take a "DRAFT-PUNCH" and shitted on himself and went blind every time it came for him to draft pick. Yo Champ I'm not feeling RAMU & CNOTE because your roster looks damn good to me and I just think their assess is haters and throwing nothing but shade your way.  Do you Champ and wipe your ass clean and put a pair of glasses on to defend your title by any means necessary and as Big-Perk would say "CARRY THE HELL ON" and go out and defend your damn title and "F**K" them two haters, your heard.

RAY RAY'S ROOKIES Sun Aug 25 4:27pm ET
Edited: Thu Aug 29 9:15pm ET

NFL Family...Damn y'all, what the hell, my ass was just keeping it 100, I ain't haten.  Yo OBOI, you be champ right about now and I stand down my dude was giving your ass props for your league success. Nothing wrong with highlighting what has taken place in the eight years your ass has been in this damn league, hell I was putting respect on your damn success, keeping it 100 big dogg and it don't mean I ain't coming for your ass come this 2024 season, don't get it twisted.  Like I said, your ass has been "TARGETED" champ, deal with it.  As for your ass CNOTE you be right in your analogy don't disagree with it at all hell I'll play the Raider role since I'm a die heart Raider fan and let's see who's ass end up with a better record. By the way didn't my ass finish with a better damn record than your ass last year and not to mention beating your ass out of $200.00 because of that, right. I recognize the fact of not winning a title since 2014 in this league but don't forget I am a 6-time fantasy football champion including two other leagues, so your ass need to put some damn respect on my danm name, your heard, now that's what up for both of y'all assess..