Guest of the League
A League Est. 2006
FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1
Commissioner Tue Jun 25 5:25pm ET
New Regular Season Rules Implemented for a Tie:     7 owners have affirmed the change by vote
Review at "League" then "Rules".
  "Change yards bonus for rush and receiving yards for all starting skill players from 1 point every 20 yards to .5 points every 10 yards." 
  Example: A QB/RB/WR/TE that gets 99 rush yards will get 4.5 points, and a QB/RB/WR/TE that gets 81 rush yards gets 4 points.
  The winner is decided by the players started. 
Commissioner Sun Jun 23 10:18pm ET

A-League Draft Order

1.) Megamen

2.) Hooters

3.) Playboys

4,) Mavriks

5.) Kilroy

6.) Mizzou

7.) Heartbreakers

8.) Cut Throats

9.) Bears

10.) Space Wranglers

Commissioner Sun Jun 23 4:29pm ET
VOTE on the Rule Change   (click)  HERE
New Regular Season Rules for a Tie:   
  Change yards bonus for rush and receiving yards for all starting skill players from 1 point every 20 yards to .5 points every 10 yards. 
  Example: A QB/RB/WR/TE that gets 99 rush yards will get 4.5 points, and a QB/RB/WR/TE that gets 81 rush yards gets 4 points.
  The winner is decided by the players started. Review at "League" then "Rules".
Comment: Basically we are implementing the 1st tie breaker used in the playoffs during the regular season.  This will reduce, yet not prohibit ties from happening during the Regular Season.
Commish Recommendation:  Approve
Commissioner Sun Jun 23 4:25pm ET
Edited: Tue Jun 25 4:38pm ET by Commissioner

NEW Proposed Draft Date:   Sunday, Aug 25th

The poll has helped us focus in on which date and day is best for the draft.  The intent of the poll is to get the conversation going between the interested parties.  We are not dogmatic.

Many just cannot do Labor Day weekend, and the 17th is so very early, considering that the pre-season has been shortened.

So far 5 team owners affirm the 25th for various reasons, including some who initially wanted the 31st, then realized it was Labor Day weekend.   It seems like the 25th is a good compromise between the 17th and the 31st, and Any Sunday being better than Saturday for many.

No Need to Vote Again if you have already told me you prefer the 25th.   That tally has 5 votes not shown


Draft Date Poll for Sun 18th, Sun 25th, (17th, 31st archived)

HERE  (Click)

The poll will close when a majority of owners has responded or when we figure it out.  The intent of the poll is to get the conversation going between the interested parties.

In deference and gratitude for the many years that Gretchen has sacrificed her Birthday for the sake of the draft, the league has instilled a moratorium on August 24th, unless variance is granted by Gretchen.
Notable Dates:
Fri June 21st =  League Fee Paid
Sun June 23rd =  Tie Break Poll Release
Sun June 23rd =  Draft Date Poll Release
Wed "Week of Draft" @ 12:00am = Keepers Reported
Sat Aug 17th or 31st  =  Draft Day  NOTE:  B League Drafts 1st this year
Sun Aug 25th = Last NFL Preseason Games
Mon Aug 26th = Final NFL Roster Cut to 53
Thursday Sept 5th  = 1st NFL game