Guest of the League
Jabroni Mix Est. 2001
FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1

Power Rankings

JM Raw Conference

TeamW/LPointsPower IndexW/LPointsSchedRoster
Double Doink0-001.00044101
The Inevitable0-000.87022102
Deez Nutts0-000.77166103
HBK Express0-000.71899104
Ball So Hard U0-000.6091010105
The Replacements0-000.53288106
INSANE Asylum0-000.39277108
Eris Variants0-000.33533109

JM Smackdown Conference

TeamW/LPointsPower IndexW/LPointsSchedRoster
Painted Platypus0-001.00066101
War Machine0-000.94155102
The Boondock Saints0-000.87077103
FEAR ITSELF0-000.7481010104
Ghost-Face Killers0-000.66344105
AGAINST ALL ODDS0-000.58411106
Mighty Melons0-000.52888107
Legion of Doom0-000.47622108
Solid As A Rock0-000.281991010