Guest of the League
Cunning Linguists Est. 2003
FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1

Lineup Changes

BrandNewScroot - Matt Miller

No starting lineup changes performed this week.

Drunken Jackalopes - Lee Waldeck

No starting lineup changes performed this week.

KB & Che - Kevin Braddock

No starting lineup changes performed this week.

New B - Angelo Newby

No starting lineup changes performed this week.

Stano - dan naslanic

No starting lineup changes performed this week.

Team Cirrhosis - SW

No starting lineup changes performed this week.

The 8:59:59ers - Dan Pavlinac

No starting lineup changes performed this week.

The Phants - Dan Allen

No starting lineup changes performed this week.

The Weapons - Randy Dunn

No starting lineup changes performed this week.

These guys got it made - Adam Miller, Mike Miller

No starting lineup changes performed this week.