Guest of the League
Stett's Fantasy Football League Est. 2005
FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1



4th & Drunk - Jeremy McKamey Capsule

8DogDeezle - Bootstrap Capsule

B squared - Barnes Capsule

Big's BallBusters - Carey Bailey Capsule

Boo Who?(Casper) - Curtis White and Dean Richards Capsule

Cash Act - Jeff Pester Capsule

CHAMPagne Campaign - Joni Stettheimer Capsule

Chasing the Crown - Shan Conway Capsule

Cut Throat - Chase Capsule

Dead Place - Stett and Stroke Capsule

Double E - Eric Eggelston Capsule

El Chupacabra - Daniel Lucero Capsule

Fore The Loot - Chris Stettheimer Capsule

Indian Conection - Beetle Bailey Capsule

Init-2-Winit - Alan Archer Capsule

King - no one Capsule

Let's Go Brandon!!! - SRG Capsule

Longstroke - Chris Cavazos Capsule

NOLA Bounty Hunters - Rick Tallant Capsule

pitt rulz - Jeff Pittman Capsule

Quack Attack - Duck Aulds Capsule

Ruidoso Rounders - Capsule

Show Me Them TD's - Seamon Simpiego Capsule

Stettacular - Stett Capsule

T-Town WiLdCaTs - Larry Torres Capsule

The Penis Mightier - Felix Castanon Capsule

The Walking Dead Guys - Capsule

The_Mexicutioner - Anthony Romero Capsule

TONELOCS - Tony Leal Capsule

Triple Crown - Brad King Capsule

wittu the next - allen wittu Capsule

Wyopro - adam grosch Capsule