Guest of the League
Kangas Football Est. 2015
FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1


Bubba - Korey Kangas

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Bugs -

No transactions were performed this week.

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Ceara - Ceara Carpenter-Kangas

No transactions were performed this week.

Your team already has 0 official transactions for the season your league limit is 40.

Jack Attack - Jesse

No transactions were performed this week.

Your team already has 0 official transactions for the season your league limit is 40.

Ka$h -

No transactions were performed this week.

Your team already has 0 official transactions for the season your league limit is 40.

Kade -

No transactions were performed this week.

Your team already has 0 official transactions for the season your league limit is 40.

Kirk -

No transactions were performed this week.

Your team already has 0 official transactions for the season your league limit is 40.

Lil Marv - Marvin

No transactions were performed this week.

Your team already has 0 official transactions for the season your league limit is 40.

SassPants - Kassia

No transactions were performed this week.

Your team already has 0 official transactions for the season your league limit is 40.

You Down With JPP - Kyle Haas

No transactions were performed this week.

Your team already has 0 official transactions for the season your league limit is 40.

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