Guest of the League
FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1


Dick Dastardly - Darin Carney

No transactions were performed this week.

F.L. MEXICANS - Bill Mangus

No transactions were performed this week.

HAWES' HEROES - Steve Hawes

No transactions were performed this week.

HERD ON - Andy Carey

No transactions were performed this week.

LarryLegend - Adam Marshall

No transactions were performed this week.

MILE HIGH CHUBB - Logan Shrewsbury

No transactions were performed this week.

RUSSELL ATHLETIC - Russell Nichols

No transactions were performed this week.

Skinless Raiders - Brian Adams

No transactions were performed this week.

The Red Rockets - Patrick Fallon

No transactions were performed this week.

TRUMP TRAIN - Dwain Shingleton

No transactions were performed this week.