Guest of the League
Advanced Football League Est. 2001
FFL: Preseason | NFL: Week 1


Monday Conference

TeamWinsLossesDivPA in GamesTot Pts
Kreamed Korn000-00.000.00
T - Bag000-00.000.00
Nittany Lions000-00.000.00
Scratch my Cotchery000-00.000.00
C WADE000-00.000.00
Seth's Lobos000-00.000.00
Evil Beavers000-00.000.00
He Hate Me000-00.000.00
Buc U000-00.000.00
Crazy Greeks000-00.000.00
The Studs000-00.000.00
Demonic Dragons000-00.000.00

Wednesday Conference

TeamWinsLossesDivPA in GamesTot Pts
Quinn's Lobos000-00.000.00
Victorious Secret000-00.000.00
Saquon Deez Nuts000-00.000.00
JacksOn, JacksOff000-00.000.00
Hip Breaker000-00.000.00
Tbaggin Bandits000-00.000.00
Henny in my Kupp000-00.000.00
Steeler Virginity000-00.000.00
Demonic Dragons 2000-00.000.00
Angry Dragons000-00.000.00
Suck My Ditka000-00.000.00
Wilson 2 Wilson SB000-00.000.00
Explanation of Standings